Risk Disclaimer

Participating in trading futures, foreign exchange (forex) , stocks, and cryptocurrencies involves risk of loss and may not be suitable for everyone.. Before engaging into the markets, investment objectives should be made clear according to your risk appetite and maturity in the market. Risk is inevitable , the possibility of  losing some or all of your initial investment is always present. There are no 100% guarantees in trading, thus far only trade with funds you can afford to lose. The financial markets should be studied thoroughly before buying and selling any financial instruments.

Member Agreement

Any information given on the webinars or in the chat should not be taken as trading advice. All positions taken should be taken at your own your discretion. All content is for educational purposes only. Any trades taken under the influence of The Webties Family is strictly your own risk. There are 100% guarantees in the game of trading and risk should minagated properly. Never engage in the market with funds you can’t afford to lose .

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:

By email: webtiesllc@gmail.com

By visiting this page on our website: https://webties.org/contact

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